As an adult I have been invited into a number of other similar endeavors. Opportunities to buy my 'necessities' at wholesale, get cheaper home phone service all while helping support missions with every call, or any number of other things. There are things like this that I have done, products I do use, and even things that I am technically a distributor for...but for one reason most people would not know any of these things!
I have had people peg me as an extreme liberal and others swear that I am an ultra conservative. When I refuse to engage in these conversations or participate in these categories I have been accused of sidestepping or even of being slippery in my conduct related to such things. For one reason I will continue to behave this way and even endure the ridicule.
If I decide that my health is best suited by following your weight loss system, or taking the vitamins you sell, or using essential oils, or even trying that crazy wrap thing, for one reason alone you will not see me in a Facebook picture or post pimping these things.
Now I have no problem with others or Christians engaging in all these things...this is something personal that God asked me to do years ago. Many use and promote products that optimize health or engage politically as a meaningful expression of their faith, and I applaud that!
For me however, I prayerfully decided to work at painting myself into one clear corner...the Jesus corner - and that one is hard and challenging enough all by itself. When people see me coming I want them to know what they are getting, and for that to be obscured by as few sub-categories as possible.
Now I am imperfect and have things I get carried away with and things that color how people see me, more than I would like. But Jesus is the one corner I want to be painted into, and He is the the one person and the one reason I am going to continue giving real effort toward having a singular focus in my life!
Very cool, bro!
I applaud your resolve.
So many times we search for "things" of the world to make us better when we only really need a personal relationship with Jesus. I am finally learning that lesson.
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