Friday, September 21, 2007

Where to meet, who to meet?!?!

The "where are we going to meet" question is one that demands to be answered more emphatically with each passing day and as such Wally and I were driving around looking.  To make a long story short we found a place that looked promising, discovered that it was a bar and then that it was a gay bar.  This did not deter our curiosity and so we left some info for one of the owners.  I popped back in today and spoke with the owners who have not really talked about it yet, but this entire process has made me think about something...

I wonder if we really care enough about all people to go to them to do church and be the church on their turf even when their turf may be way out of our comfort zone?

I think I do and I am enjoying the opportunity to interact with people that looking for space has provided!

1 comment:

C-Man said...

Personally, i think Oklahoma City would be a great place to meet!!! LOL.

i also think that too many people are hung up on location. The church is the people; not program or location - not sure where i have heard that before....

But part of that "not getting it" stops alot of people from engaging in peoples lives. And isn't that what's all about? meeting people where they are and "being". We are so hung up on damaging our image that we do not stop and realize we need to be a friend first.

Love the idea of the bar. Rock on