Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Deep Hole...

In my life, during the season of lent (the 45 days leading up to Easter), I try to install a practice that will intensify my experience and help me identify more fully with the sacrifice Jesus made for all humanity.  In hindsight God almost always honors my intent...which in the darkest moments can feel like sheer lunacy that I would intentionally choose to walk this path.

A colleague of mine recently commented that the life of ministry and the life of a pastor is not one of glamor and excitement, but rather it is marked by a broken heart and a wounded spirit.  It is not that pastors have the market on faithfulness cornered or that they are impervious to failure, as we have all seen plenty of examples to the contrary.  But after having done this job for decades it can feel like the primary function is to be a rare example of fidelity in a sea of apathy and faithlessness.

Then life crashes in.  Sickness and death come close for all of us at times, but when it is everywhere, and on all sides - that is too much!  Inside my mind these are not isolated thoughts.  In a moment like this one, as I sit here typing this post, they are things that stack and build until they threaten to crush your soul.  The weight of these moments bring insight to how a straw could literally break a camel's back.

For this moment in time it feels like I am in a deep, dark, inescapable hole.  Strangely I have put myself here.  In many ways I have chosen this exact path.  Sure circumstance can make it worse or better.  In some ways it is a mindset but mostly it is grounded in the broken reality that surrounds us all.

Thankfully I am not overcome by the darkness that is around me, and in fact expect to encounter Jesus here.  I believe it will accomplish some good, shaping, purpose in my life.  But it is hard for me to have that long view in the day to day.  Mostly I am just grateful that I do not anticipate remaining here for long!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, my friend. Praying for you at this moment, and throughout this annual rejuvenating week ahead of you.

David Drury said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Your expectations will be realized I am sure. Stay the course my friend. You are Loved!

GrannySmith said...

I'm sure this annual week will bring clarity for you. Many prayers as you are always in mine. Grateful that you are not just my pastor but also my friend. Hope you know how much you are loved.

Anonymous said...

Jeremiah 3:15...
Your sheep love you and how God works though you to teach us...
Feast on the experience...
We will be praying...

Benjamin Ady said...

Rob--the feelings you describe are exactly the feelings I experience regarding the way that the Willow Creek Association/Global Leadership Network, who put on the global leadership summit every year, have retraumatised, slandered, and utterly refused to listen to the many victims of their founder and leader, Bill Hybels', sexual assault and harassment. Sometimes I simply weep. I'm so sad to see that your church is the newest host site for this summit. Did you know that more than 240 other churches have cancelled hosting in solidarity with the victims?

I hope you will reconsider your decision to host this summit.