Thursday, November 08, 2007

Time Stamp...

Many have asked about my sleeping habits after seeing that they received an email from me in the middle of the night (and if they were paying attention they may notice this not necessarily an uncommon occurrence).  The truth of the matter is that it really has little to do with my sleeping habits and much more to do with my thinking habits. Right now for example I turned my computer back on after laying in bed for an hour and a half and finally realizing that it would be better to do something productive than continue laying in bed wide awake.

Sometimes it is because my mind is energized and excited with some new thought and sometimes it is because it is trying to think through an issue or solve a matter what, when my mind is in gear it is almost impossible for my body to shut down and go to sleep.  It is so bad at times I can hop into bed exhausted and never actually sleep.

Don't get me wrong, this is not every night and it is not that I am a walking zombie most days due to lack of sleep.  Some call it quirky and some call it eccentric but this wiring certainly has it's benefits as well as it's issues.  It is because my mind engages like this that I research, study and teach in the way that I do.  This makes me your most useful resource if you need to know about something I have fixated on.  I think this is what makes me a good church planter as well.  Through the turbulence I am able to hold on and engage.

Sure there are times (at night especially) when I wish that I could just let go of whatever it is, disengage and get on with other things!  The truth is though, I think I go for rides and see things that most people would totally miss.  I like taking those kind of rides and wish for more to join me on my adventures...

1 comment:

John D. Howell said...

Totally get this. Sometimes it just seems that my mind works best and my heart is most open in the silent quiet of the midnight hours.