Monday, January 05, 2009

Our Church...

I have not blogged in quite some I suppose this marks my quiet return.

Perhaps I have simply had to much else to do or perhaps, since my Dad was always asking when I was going to write something new for him to read, his death has made blogging more difficult.

A number of things created the "perfect storm" in my mind today and I just had to push through and post...

It is funny to me when people talk about the church as "my church".  I suppose it makes sense from the standpoint of my role as a pastor, or for people who where part of the deep, founding pastor, but this concept misses the point.  

I suppose there is an allure for some to like this...especially when the comment is something to the effect of "I really like 'your church' pastor".  It is easy to see why something we help create and lead can boost our ego when it is doing well or well liked by others.

The thing that both sounds and is more powerful to me though is when people say "our church".  Instead of an entity that is all about me and one that I am solely responsible for, there is power in a tribe of people banding together to do something great...and also the ability to accomplish that does not exist when everything is up to one human.

We have all heard stories about the evil side of this when a pastor gets chewed up by people who felt too much ownership in their church and would not allow the pastor to do their job.  Even so, my heart is hungry for more people who will dive in and say that regardless of the hurdles or the journey this is "my church" and I am all in!

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