Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Two Perspectives

Last weekend if you drove by one of our local parks you would have noticed a huge gathering of people!

We heard from a police officer that we should avoid that park and this entire area due to this gathering.  He said that it was a gathering a two huge gangs from East Michigan, was nothing but trouble and that there are always "shots fired" when these folks are in town.

We have a family in the church who lives right beside this park and I was over at their house that day for a few minutes.  It was fun to talk to this family who had been over at the park playing with their daughter earlier in the day.  They were excited to see and even interact with all these people.  They had nothing bad to say!

I want to be the kind of person who is redemptive, sees good and positive things in others regardless of information or situation.   


Wally Harrison said...

keep pushing on us my friend!

Deck said...

i think, as someone said at the meeting the other night, that we need to constantly be out of our comfort zones. Comfort breeds complacency which in turn, breeds apathy and an uncaring heart. I was just going to say something about struggling with laziness, but realized just how stupid that sounds! I'm not going to say I'm looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone, but I need to be out there.