Monday, July 18, 2011

Energized, Spent, Energized!

For the past two weeks we have been operating at 100% fullness of schedule as a family!  This has not been due to insane requirements that we have been subjected to and are trying to get to the other side of (thankfully).  While there has been a learning curve being in a new environment, starting a new season of ministry, and trying to locate a place of our own to live, the pace has come more from meeting people, getting together with people, caring for people, and simply being present.

This pace, in almost every respect, has actually given us life and energy (we are social like that) and it has been very good to get to know so many amazing people is such a small window of time.  Christopher is having fun on this new adventure, has made a bunch of friends, started learning to wakeboard last week, and actually begins every prayer with "God, thanks for letting us move here...".

Last night after another in a long line of very full days, I laid back snuggling with my son...and that is the last thing I remember!  After two weeks of going I had a very long and deeply restful sleep...and now, once again, I am energized.

The thought that inspired this post was not a desire to brag about stamina or to give an update, but rather a wondering of how many of us love what we get to do so much that even while pushing ourselves to exhaustion doing it we are filled and fed and our souls are nourished instead of depleted?!

My prayer for us all is that we would live more and more as God created us to...and come to know in even greater ways what the abundant life is all about!

1 comment:

Adina Chipner said...

Hello Paterson Family,

I enjoyed reading your thoughts in all of this weeks blogs. I haven't had the opportunity to meet you yet, but my name is Mrs. Adina Chipner. I haven't been able to come to church due to caring needs of others and family members. I can completely relate to your theme, "Energized, Spent, Energized":) How old is your son, Chris? My oldest son's name is Chris too! I am a Navy wife, marry to the one and only-Glenn T. Chipner, Jr. (Ted for short). I would like to invite you and anyone who would be willing to come out to our home. We live in the country in an old farming community, my contact information should be in the directory, but if not talk to Bud Stanton, he knows us well! I am inviting you to come and meet my old sailor and I to see our garden and hear about our plans to help the homeless and feed the hungry. I hope you will seek us out and give us a call! We are dreamers too and longing for to serve God in the best way possible-through feeding, providing shelter and jobs for the oppressed and needy, whether they be rich or poor!
God Bless You and Your Family and the Garden of Life you walk through every day! Amen!