Monday, January 02, 2012

CHANGED holiday plans...

We arrived home last night from a week of vacation!  We spent the first four days visiting my family in Canada, the next three visiting Bethany's family in Michigan, and the last day seeing some good friends and then returning to Loudonville!

Before leaving, other than the requisite "visiting", I had four things on my todo list...

1. Rest/Relax
2. Spend Time With Bethany & Christopher
3. Catch Up On Writing Notes
4. Catch Up On Some Emails

Brought on by the amount of energy and activity of Christmas Eve, we were exhausted, and got a much later start than we had intended!  I remember about half way up to Canada when it dawned on me that I had forgotten to pack the note cards that I always use (and that honestly bothered quite a bit).

As I wrestled with my emotions surrounding this lapse in memory I was confronted with the conflicting nature of my priorities for this "week away".  Half of them where focussed on taking a break, recharging, and spending time with my family!  The other half were about not taking a break, and continuing to work, think, and engage on the first week in six months that I had planned to disengage!

Not only did I choose not to write any notes, I only opened my computer once the entire week!  In the end I chose not to cheat my family or myself, so that I would be healthier and have better energy to give to all the priorities of 2012!

1 comment:

samwise said...

sometimes "forgetting" can be a spiritual discipline...i think andy stanley calls it "cheating the church - (intentionally small c)"welcome back!