Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dinner With Dad!

It has been a number of years now since my Dad's quick and unexpected passing.  On his birthday, which was February 13th, we practice something a little unique...

After picking a place for supper that reflects the kind of food my Dad would have enjoyed (this year was Cracker Barrel), we bring the sealed keepsake urn I have some of his ashes in, and take Dad/Grandpa to dinner!

Now we know that Dad is not really there in that container, but it is a great time to tell our favorite stories about him, remember his life, and keep him alive in our memories and through our lives.

The thing I like the most about this is that it helps me to cut through all the sludge of life.  The things other people think or want that threaten to hijack what God has asked of me!  When I think of my Dad and how he is no longer here, I am inspired all over again not to worry so much about the noise of others and focus in on what truly matters!

I look forward to talking again one day Charles Stuart Paterson.  A.K.A. Dad!

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